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Unit 13 People

1.beard /biəd/ n. 胡须
2.sunglasses /ˈsʌnˌglæsɪz/ n. 墨镜
3.uniform /ˈju:nifɔ:m/ n. 制服
4.moustache /məsˈtɑ:ʃ/ n. 长在嘴唇上的小胡子
5.heel /hi:l/ n. 鞋跟
6.sleeve /sli:v/ n. 衣服袖子
7.facial /ˈfeɪʃəl/ adj. 面部的
8.expression /iksˈpreʃən/ n. 表情;词语
9.connection /kəˈnekʃən/ n. 联系;连接
10.chain /tʃein/ n. 链条;一连串的事物
11.aircraft /ˈɛəkrɑ:ft / n.飞机,航空器
12.emergency /iˈmə:dʒənsi/ n. 紧急情况
13.pray /prei/ vt. & vi. 祈祷,祷告
14.gifted /ˈgɪftɪd/ adj. 有天赋的
15.accurately /ˈækjurətlɪ/ adv. 精确地,准确地
16.description /disˈkripʃən/ n. 描述,形容
17.academic/ˌækəˈdemik/ adj. 学术的
18.predict /priˈdikt/ vt. 预言,预测
19.deserve /diˈzə:v/ vt. 应得,值得
20.failure /ˈfeiljə/ n. 失败
21.mistaken /mɪˈsteɪkən/ adj. 错误的
22.association /əˌsəuʃiˈeiʃən/ n. 联想;协会
23.thus / ðʌs/ adv. 因此;如此
24.possibility /ˌpɔsəˈbiliti/ n. 可能性
25.disability /ˌdisəˈbiliti/ n. 残疾;无能力
26.entirely /enˈtaɪəli:/ adv. 完全地
27.embassy /ˈembəsi / n. 大使馆
28.accuse /əˈkju:z/ vt. 控告;谴责
29.lightning /ˈlaitniŋ/ n. 闪电
30.clerk /klɑ:k/ n. 职员
31.conductor/kənˈdʌktə/ n. 售票员;指挥
32.butcher/ˈbutʃə/ n. 屠夫;肉商
33.athletic /æθˈletɪk/ adj. 爱运动的
34.independent/ˌɪndiˈpendənt/ adj. 独立的
35.neat/ ni:t/ adj. 整洁的
36.selfish /ˈselfiʃ/ adj. 自私的
37.sharp /ʃɑ:p/ adj. 敏锐的;锋利的;尖的
38.characteristic /ˌkæriktəˈristik/ n. 特点,特性
39.desire /diˈzaiə/ n. 渴望,欲望
40.satisfaction /ˌsætisˈfækʃən/ n. 满意,满足
41.harvest /ˈhɑ:vist/ n. 收获

42.biology /baiˈɔlədʒi/ n. 生物学
43.pineapple /ˈpainˌæpl/ n. 菠萝
44.peach /pi:tʃ/ n. 桃子
45.kindness /ˈkaindnis/ n. 和善,亲切
46.requirement /riˈkwaiəmənt/ n. 要求
47.airline /ˈɛəlain/ n. 航空公司
48.aboard /əˈbɔ:d/ prep. 在(上)船(飞机、火车、公共汽车)上
49.assistant /əˈsistənt/ n. 助手,助理
50.independence /ˌɪndiˈpendəns/ n. 独立
51.poet /ˈpəuit/ n. 诗人
52.translator /trænsˈleɪtə/ n. 翻译员
53.tutor /ˈtju:tə/ n. 家庭教师;导师
54.tear /tiə/ n. 眼泪
55.cheek /tʃi:k/ n. 脸颊
56.hug /hʌɡ/ n. 拥抱
57.upset /ʌpˈset/ adj. 不安的;不快的
58.fault /fɔ:lt/ n. 错误;缺点
59.thunder /ˈθʌndə/ n. 雷声
60.wool /wul/ n. 羊毛
61.pine /pain/ n. 松树
62.seed /si:d/ n. 种子
63.squirrel /ˈskwirəl/ n. 松鼠
64.sparrow /ˈspærəʊ/ n. 麻雀
65.bleed /bli:d/ vi. 流血
66.broken /ˈbrəukən/ adj. 断的;破的
67.relief /riˈli:f/ n. 减轻;宽慰
68.shelter /ˈʃeltə/ vi. 躲避
69.scholar /ˈskɔlə / n. 学者
70.bench / bentʃ/ n. 长凳
71.housewife /ˈhauswaif/ n. 家庭主妇
72.postcode /ˈpəʊstkəʊd/ n. 邮政编码
73.astronomy /əsˈtrɔnəmi/ n. 天文学
74.allergic /əˈlɜ:dʒɪk/ adj. 过敏的
75.anxiety /ænˈzaiəti/ n. 忧虑,担心
76.revision /riˈviʒən/ n. 复习
77.oral /ˈɔrəl/ adj. 口头的,口述的
78.straw /strɔ:/ n. 稻草,麦秆
79.glare /ɡlɛə/ vi. 怒视,瞪
80.section /ˈsekʃən/ n. 部分
81.literary /ˈlitərəri/ adj. 喜爱文学的
82.glance /ɡlɑ:ns/ vi. 瞥一眼
83.steam /sti:m/ n. 蒸汽
84.confirm /kənˈfə:m/ vt. 证实
85.librarian /laiˈbrɛəriən/ n. 图书管理员
86.file /fail/ n. 档案;文件
87.sigh /sai/ vi. 叹气,叹息
88.grateful /ˈɡreitful/ adj. 感激的,感谢的
89.guilty /ˈɡɪlti/ adj. 不安的;有罪的
90.alike /əˈlaik/ adj. 相像的
91.shortcoming /ˈʃɔ:tkʌmiŋ/ n. 缺点,短处
92.account /əˈkaunt/ n. (银行)账户
93.button /ˈbʌtən/ n. 纽扣
94.parrot /ˈpærət/ n. 鹦鹉
95.cage /keidʒ/ n. 笼子
96.judge /dʒʌdʒ/ vt. 评判
97.claw /klɔ: / n. (动物或鸟的)爪子
98.yoghurt /ˈjəugə:t/ n. 酸奶,酸乳酪
99.honey /ˈhʌni/ n. 蜂蜜
100.chew /tʃu:/ vt. 咀嚼
101.satellite /ˈsætəlait/ n. 卫星;人造卫星
102.wrinkle /ˈriŋkl/ n. 皱纹
103.forehead /ˈfɔːhed/ n. 额,前额
104.block / blɔk/ n. 大厦;街区
105.lap /læp/ n.(人坐着时)大腿部,膝上
106.devote / diˈvəut/ vt. 专心致志;献身于
107.salty /ˈsɔ:lti:/ adj. 含盐的;咸的
108.carrot /ˈkærət/ n. 胡萝卜
109.pea /piː/ n. 豌豆
110.companion /kəmˈpænjən/ n. 同伴,伴侣
111.devotion /diˈvəuʃən/ n. 奉献
112.forever /fərˈevə/ adv. 永远

1.concentrate on 集中注意力于
2.end up doing sth. 以做某事而告终
3.apply A to B 将A应用于B
4.be involved in 涉及到,参与到
5.focus on 把注意力集中于
6.make up 编造;化妆;占比例
7.associate A with B 把A和B联系起来
8.in one’s early twenties 在某人二十岁出头
9.come up with 想出
10.draw up 起草
11.positive attitude 积极的态度
12.be open to sth. 善于接受某物
13.get on (well) with sb. 和某人相处得好
14.have a hard time (in) doing sth. 做某事很困难
15.in terms of 关于,在……方面
16.be willing to do sth. 愿意做某事
17.be positive about sth. 对某事持乐观态度
18.fall behind 落后
19.at the top of the mountain 在山顶上
20.be full of anxiety 充满焦虑
21.glare at 怒视
22.leave sth. behind 遗留下某物
23.to be honest 老实说
24.can’t help doing sth. 忍不住做某事
25.make comments on/upon 评论
26.put up with sth. 忍受某事
27.take sth. up 开始从事某事
28.show sth. off 炫耀某物
29.glance at 瞥一眼
30.get over sth. 克服某事
31.get down to sth. 开始认真做某事
32.be popular with sb. 受某人欢迎
33.be devoted to sth./sb. 献身于某事;忠实于某人

1.While your IQ tells you how intelligent you are, your EQ tells you how well you use your
2.At work, it is IQ that gets you hired but it is EQ that gets you promoted.  
3.The results of studies such as these show that EQ is as important, if not more important than
4.A confident person is someone who is sure that he or she can do something or deal with a
situation successfully.   
5.We’ll only go camping if the sun is shining. Otherwise we’ll go to the cinema and watch the
new Jackie Chan movie.  
6.I saw she had tears running down her cheeks at lunch today and one of the other teachers gave
her a hug.  
7.I wonder how they got lost and whose fault it was.  
8.Their friends are really upset and have been waiting anxiously for more news.  
9.The first time I met Tom, he seemed to be allergic to everything.  
10.I was getting more and more annoyed and of course, the more upset I got, the less I was able
to concentrate.  
11.She was standing with a book in her hands near the “English Literature” section.  
12.I picked up my books, glared at her and whispered angrily, “Thanks to your noise, I’ve
been unable to study.”  
13.If Jenny hadn’t been a kind person who was willing to forgive my shortcomings, I
would never have experienced such true friendship.  
14.The woman sitting in the back, the one in black jacket with her arms crossed, she looks a bit,
er, kind of shy.  










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