The average 8-year-old spends eight hours a day with her head submerged in screen time . It is normal all over the world. But it is very harmful for the kids to do so.
Here are some reasons:
1. Kids don't learn how to play nice.
Twenty years ago, when a child fought with one of his classmates, he immediately saw the effect of his actions. The other child probably cried. When smartphones and computers put a screen between the bully and the victim, kids lose the instant feedback that their actions are hurtful. So, they don't stop.
2. Kids miss out on sleep.
By and large, kids need sleep more than anyone. In babies, kids, and teens, sleep also supports overall development of their growing brains. Using electronic devices before bed interrupts these normal, healthy rhythms.
3. Kids risk their physical health.
Playing games all night in front of a screen isn't a new phenomenon. But with more media now available, at all ages, the risk of weight gain also increases. Replacing outdoor play with online play also seems to hurt kids' bones.
4. Kids' brains are changed.
Scientists say that playing games too much on the computer can lead to changes in the brain's gray matter. Kids can lose some important things in the brain, including impulse control, organization and planning skills.
In other words, scientists are finding screens don't divorce kids from just the real world, but the consequences of living in that world.