












On Friday, an important event took place in China. A change in the statutory(法定的) retirement age starting from January 1st, 2025 was announced.

Starting in 2025, over the next 15 years, the official retirement age for men will slowly go up from 60 to 63. For women cadres and women blue-collar workers, the retirement age will increase too, from 55 to 58 for cadres and from 50 to 55 for blue-collar workers.

____▲____ On Friday, Wang Xiaoping, minister of the human resources and social security, stated that China’s workforce has become increasingly diverse in their needs due to changes in the country’s economic, social, and demographic structures. As a result, it has become necessary to raise the statutory retirement age. She mentioned that it also helps increase labor supply. In 2023, China’s population aged 60 and above reached 297 million, accounting for 21.1 percent of the total population; those aged 65 and above exceeded (超过) 217 million, making up 15.4 percent, showing a clear trend of aging. Meanwhile, the labor force population has been falling since 2012.

When will your parents retire from their work? Ask them about it and share the answers HERE.

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!
  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 12:42:57 PM
    jjjbshhbdhdhhdhdhdbhdbdbd !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 3:32:21 PM
    就我们两个人?我竟然是第二个发的评语!!! !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 3:32:55 PM
    好吧,我妈妈不上班,我爸爸63! !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 3:34:00 PM
    好 无 聊 !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 3:56:06 PM
    我是第三个人诶,天呐‼️ !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 4:39:21 PM
    ftvkgvgitufy !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 4:39:26 PM
    gybigvugjhjvgd !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 4:39:31 PM
    gybigigjgdy !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 4:39:38 PM
    gyughgfjbyd !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 6:24:32 PM
    Google翻译一下 !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 6:24:37 PM
    Google翻译一下 !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 6:24:43 PM
    Google翻译一下 !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 6:24:49 PM
    Google翻译一下 !

  • 家宝贝     Sep 14, 2024 6:51:32 PM
    nonsonqwqwqwqu !

  • 家宝贝     Sep 14, 2024 6:51:40 PM
    tiurxqyqzstupu !

  • 家宝贝     Sep 14, 2024 6:51:45 PM
    tiyswquptuhui !

  • 家宝贝     Sep 14, 2024 6:51:53 PM
    quysyizhjixu !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 7:27:31 PM
    hfhfhghfhfhchjgfnfhfhfhg !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 7:31:02 PM
    ggggggghg_h !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 7:31:07 PM
    jfjfjffidj !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 7:31:12 PM
    hfjfhffjfjej !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 8:05:40 PM
    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 8:05:46 PM
    aaaaaaaaaaaaa !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 8:05:52 PM
    aaaaaaaaaa !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 8:05:59 PM
    aaaaaaaaaaaa !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 8:28:11 PM
    退休。。。。??????。。 !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 9:25:43 PM
    ⊥ninpopoopeililijiailngmingjilij !

  • oUm2H1UqWoljjchZXVZmTQ7t1hwc     Sep 14, 2024 9:36:19 PM
    gdgggrryrhrbf !

  • oUm2H1UqWoljjchZXVZmTQ7t1hwc     Sep 14, 2024 9:36:25 PM
    efdefrgrgrgfgtb !

  • oUm2H1UqWoljjchZXVZmTQ7t1hwc     Sep 14, 2024 9:36:34 PM
    dffgggdggggd !

  • oUm2H1UqWoljjchZXVZmTQ7t1hwc     Sep 14, 2024 9:36:51 PM
    sgrrrfffff !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 9:57:37 PM
    wang jing hong bkvkvh !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 10:08:40 PM
    duileyiban !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 10:10:00 PM
    tell her she has the money and my friend !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 10:10:08 PM
    what the actual !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 10:10:14 PM
    from the same as my friend is !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 10:10:30 PM
    what are we gonna get the beast !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 10:14:00 PM
    dydodjtsjgdkhd !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 10:14:08 PM
    khigdildkige !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 10:14:12 PM
    dhkkhdkyldwo7w !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 10:14:16 PM
    sufafkkfoud !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 10:18:12 PM
    傻子W X P。 !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 10:28:36 PM
    nihuaideiyaosi !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 10:28:40 PM
    nihuaideiyaosi !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 10:28:49 PM
    nihuaideiyaosi !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 10:28:54 PM
    nihuaideiyaosi !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 10:28:58 PM
    nihuaideiyaosi !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 10:56:10 PM
    tkjgkhjgjgjg !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:26:52 PM
    gckvkkckckvlvjcj !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:26:59 PM
    vcgjgchhcfhjbcf !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:27:08 PM
    vvdfchhhfdhutsfg !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:27:18 PM
    vvhddhjdxtubvdaq !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:29:39 PM
    shhsshshshs !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:29:44 PM
    shshsjsjwwj !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:30:01 PM
    xjjssjsjsja !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:30:08 PM
    jsjsshahahaha !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:33:14 PM
    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:33:22 PM
    aaaaaaaaaaaaa !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:33:32 PM
    aaaaaaaaaaa !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:33:41 PM
    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:40:04 PM
    wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:40:08 PM
    wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:40:12 PM
    wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:40:16 PM
    wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:40:20 PM
    wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:42:40 PM
    sskzbjzkxxxh !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:42:46 PM
    hsksnshsidndbkx !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:42:54 PM
    bzjzmzbzkznsmsnsb !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:43:02 PM
    hsjzzjbzznzhzkzbzjjzzjzb !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:48:50 PM
    xhxggjxgxgchcjchxj !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:48:56 PM
    xgjxxgjxcjmhmhmhkx !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:49:04 PM
    xhxhxuhkukkxullxj !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:49:11 PM
    xmxmxlulxlulxlulilf !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:49:19 PM
    xglhgxulljjljgugjlu !

  • 微信用户     Sep 14, 2024 11:49:26 PM
    .hmxhllxlxxulc !

  • oUm2H1UNJxweBC6ZewH-1qv2UcbU     Sep 15, 2024 12:00:08 AM
    jdbfjfkrkfkfnf !

  • 微信用户     Sep 15, 2024 12:46:44 AM
    You're having a hard time, and you're making me have a hard time !

  • 微信用户     Sep 15, 2024 12:47:06 AM
    Wait, haha. !

  • 微信用户     Sep 15, 2024 12:47:30 AM
    If I could go back in time, I would definitely not choose you, garbage. !

  • 微信用户     Sep 15, 2024 12:47:52 AM
    I'm sure you won't choose me either. How nice it is. !

  • 微信用户     Sep 15, 2024 10:12:05 AM
    还要多干三年,天哪,我爱工作 !

  • 微信用户     Sep 15, 2024 11:03:32 AM
    ehdhjdkflcllslaowjdbxb !

  • 微信用户     Sep 15, 2024 11:03:44 AM
    sjwkdjbbzckldlaopgdjk !

  • 微信用户     Sep 15, 2024 11:03:56 AM
    jsldkjfbxjdksowoowkdbnj !

  • 微信用户     Sep 15, 2024 11:04:11 AM
    kepqokslsofkdkkfkfjfjxnxnxbbbj !

  • 微信用户     Sep 15, 2024 12:06:17 PM
    ckfacsajhvfeabovuheqbhoucfe !

  • 微信用户     Sep 15, 2024 9:54:59 PM
    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !

  • 微信用户     Sep 15, 2024 9:55:09 PM
    These are my mother sounds !

  • 微信用户     Sep 15, 2024 9:55:20 PM
    And is also his answer !

  • 微信用户     Sep 15, 2024 9:55:30 PM
    I am wrong the heath is the hurt !

  • 微信用户     Sep 15, 2024 11:30:17 PM
    jdjdjjckfodobkkfj !

  • 微信用户     Sep 15, 2024 11:30:23 PM
    jsjchchjskdjcjcjc !

  • 微信用户     Sep 15, 2024 11:30:29 PM
    sjjsjdkckcksjsj !

  • 微信用户     Sep 15, 2024 11:30:37 PM
    jsjxjjxidkckvkcj !

  • 微信用户     Sep 16, 2024 9:14:01 AM
    When will your parents retired from their work? !

  • 微信用户     Sep 16, 2024 9:14:27 AM
    Ask them about it. !

  • 微信用户     Sep 16, 2024 11:59:55 PM
    cuoleyidao !

  • 微信用户     Sep 17, 2024 7:53:29 AM
    还好还好,不算太难,能接受。 !

  • 微信用户     Sep 17, 2024 8:57:24 AM
    jmbsjabbkj !

  • 微信用户     Sep 17, 2024 8:57:44 AM
    jhvsahjvssjba !

  • 微信用户     Sep 17, 2024 8:57:51 AM
    sdavhdeahjvjdae !

  • 微信用户     Sep 17, 2024 8:57:58 AM
    sdjvusdjvhsdjhv !

  • 微信用户     Sep 17, 2024 9:43:19 PM
    Snack hot han Two days after the teacher's meeting, I put the king online 23 D !

  • 微信用户     Sep 17, 2024 9:43:26 PM
    Snack hot han Two days after the teacher's meeting, I put the king online 23 D !

  • 微信用户     Sep 17, 2024 9:43:39 PM
    Snack hot han Two days after the teacher's meeting, I put the king online 23 D !

  • 微信用户     Sep 17, 2024 9:43:43 PM
    Snack hot han Two days after the teacher's meeting, I put the king online 23 D !

  • 微信用户     Sep 17, 2024 9:43:53 PM
    Snack hot han Two days after the teacher's meeting, I put the king online 23 D !

  • 微信用户     Sep 17, 2024 10:13:26 PM
    xrlmjvgxnlmjvcgmkctc !

  • 微信用户     Sep 17, 2024 10:13:36 PM
    fxlmlhckhvhvh mlmlnjvknmln !

  • 微信用户     Sep 17, 2024 10:13:42 PM
    txknlmtxlnmycknmtcllnxtknmcynlln !

  • 微信用户     Sep 17, 2024 10:13:51 PM
    gxngxcuLBH cgknmlxtubmjvuvlnmucjbnlkvtxjbml !

  • 微信用户     Sep 17, 2024 10:35:45 PM
    QI this was a good one !

  • 微信用户     Sep 17, 2024 10:36:01 PM
    Qtqywyywywywywy yy !

  • 微信用户     Sep 17, 2024 10:36:07 PM
    Qtqywyywywywywy yy !





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