文章发布:奇速英语 发布时间:Mar 11, 2025 4:43:01 PM 访问量:18
3月12日是中国的植树节。设立这个节日旨在帮助人们认识环境保护的重要性,并鼓励大家参与植树。这个节日有着深远的历史渊源。1979年,在邓小平提议下,3月12日被定为植树节。这一天也是孙中山先生逝世纪念日。孙中山先生生前曾为保护森林资源作出不懈努力。 March 12th is China’s Tree Planting Day. It is a day to help people understand the importance of environmental protection and encourage them to plant trees. This special day has a long history. In 1979, under Deng Xiaoping’s suggestion, March 12th was set as Tree Planting Day. This date is the anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s death. Dr. Sun worked hard to protect forests. 每逢植树节,数百万中国人——包括学生、志愿者和公务员——奔赴全国各地植树造林。学校常组织学生参与种树实践。通过这类活动,学生们能直观理解树木如何助力抗击荒漠化和气候变化。例如,始于1978年的“三北防护林工程”(又称“绿色长城”),已帮助中国北方恢复超过3000万公顷土地。 On this day, millions of Chinese people such as students, volunteers, and government workers go all over the country to plant trees. Schools often take students on trips to plant young trees. This teaches them how trees help fight desertification and climate change. For example, the “Three-North Shelter Forest Program” (also called the “Great Green Wall”) has helped restore more than 30 million hectares of land in northern China since it began in 1978. 植树节更彰显中国守护环境的坚定承诺。正如政府提出的“绿水青山就是金山银山”理念。在这样的政策指引下,中国的森林生态系统持续改善。截至2024年底,中国森林覆盖率已超25%,人工林面积稳居世界首位。 Tree Planting Day also shows China’s promise to protect the environment. The government’s policy says, “Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets.” Because of this, China’s forests are getting healthier. By the end of 2024, China’s forest coverage had reached over 25%, and the country has the most planted forests in the world. 作为学生,我们可以通过植树、减少垃圾丢弃和践行环保行为贡献力量。每个微小行动都将让地球家园更绿意盎然。 As students, we can help by planting trees, throwing away less trash, and doing things that are good for the environment. Every small action helps make our planet greener. 今天奇速英语给大家分享的一篇关于中国植树节的英语时文阅读。又阅读理解题型、完形填空、语法填空、任务型阅读题型可以练习! 免费“单词+时文”资料领取 感谢新朋友的支持与厚爱,10000篇+每天更新原创英语时文和课本单词速记免费领取,领取说明:请关注我们官方网站,右下角点个:“再看”+“赞”,之后加微信jiaoyuuer(注明英语老师领取“时文阅读+单词速记”资料)领取!